4 God does not tempt men (Jam. 1:13), but He does test them (John 6:5-6; 4:16-18; Jud. 7:4; Job 1:8-12; etc.).

5 God never intended eternal physical life for Adam, and Adam no doubt would have been “changed,” and given an eternal spiritual body, after his probation period was over, if he had proved himself faithful.

9 Until a man is saved and moves from being “in Adam” to being “in Christ,” of course.

20 ”Tophet” in Hebrew means “place of burning (and burying dead bodies)” and here it is a figure for gehenna or the lake of fire of Rev. 19:20 and 20:10, into which the Antichrist (“the king”) and his followers will be cast at Christ’s Second Advent.

24 In Appendix One we deal with several false teachings concerning everlasting punishment.

25 While all the lost will suffer infinitely, in the sense of eternally, in hell, there are still differing degrees of suffering among them. See Appendix One on Annihilation, part (7) on p. 247f.

26 It is a characteristic of many teachers of other errors and heresies over the centuries that they have also denied the reality of the wrath of God; e.g., Marcion, Socinus and the modern-day Liberal theologians

28 All men are “law-breakers.” The Israelites broke the written Law of Moses, and all other men have broken “the law written in their hearts” (Rom. 2:15), which is the inward moral nature and conscience of man that he possesses by virtue of being originally created in the image of God. (Cf. Romans 1-3.)

37 Preaching the Word of God without compromise does not mean to preach it without tears. Tears – which are evidence to those who hear us of our genuine love and concern – will go a long way to soften hearts unto the receiving of otherwise “hard to receive” truth.

48 Cf. Exodus 3:2 and Deuteronomy 5:23 for examples of how God can make a fire that will burn something and yet not destroy it, but preserve it in a state of burning.

53 See Appendix One.

Only selected footnotes are included in this online version. For the full version, please obtain the book.